Healthy Living Hot Tubs promote a buoyant balance for a fit mind, body, and spirit. Here, you can slip into a world of benefits that will help to improve your quality of life through purposeful relief and enhanced wellness. We invite you to explore your options, consider your potential - and become a healthier you.

HL 628L thumbnail

HL 628L

78" x 66" x 32"
Jets: 28
Seating Capacity: 3

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HL 630L thumbnail

HL 630L

78" x 78" x 32"
Jets: 30
Seating Capacity: 4

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HL 7 thumbnail

HL 7

84" x 84" x 36"
Jets: 46
Seating Capacity: 5

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HL 7.5 thumbnail

HL 7.5

84" x 84" x 36"
Jets: 47
Seating Capacity: 7

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HL 8 thumbnail

HL 8

94" x 94" x 36"
Jets: 54
Seating Capacity: 6

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HL 8.5 thumbnail

HL 8.5

94" x 94" x 36"
Jets: 54
Seating Capacity: 7

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